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Huwebes, Mayo 19, 2011

Miami Heat vs Chicago Bulls

Uh-huh! I'm watching basketball since 3rd year high school. But I don;t know exactly what are the rules in basketball. What's important, I'm enjoying. :))

My team this year is the Miami Heat!! Dwayne Wade, Lebron James, and Chris Bosh. They are the big three of Miami. And they proved that!! Miami leads! I'll support all throughout their game.

Summer Class 2011

Yesssssssss! Our summer class is almost to end. I must say summer class is more tiring than the usual school days. I always stay up late just to finish the assignments in ITMM. EYEBAGS*  But yeah.. Honestly, i enjoyed it. And I'm hoping that i'll pass the two subjects I'm taking. 

But now.. I just want to unwind and make my self relaxed.. Anything that relieves stress!! :)))

-KKTT :)